
A blog devoted mainly to haiku and senryu and to thoughts about, and inspired by, haiku and senryu.

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Location: New York, New York

Haiku is to poetry as espresso is to coffee.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

spring chronicle

Since March 14, about a week before the official start of spring, I've been posting a number of haiku and senryu on the theme of the approach and arrival of the season. Just for the hell of it, I am here re-posting, in the order of composition, all the poems on the subject I've posted before. They were not written as a sequence, but I find that, rather like "Back from the Berkshires," an earlier post, they form a kind of accidental chronicle: The coming of spring as perceived from one spot in the universe. The only newly posted poems here are the last two, #11 and #12. Anyone who has visited before and/or simply isn't interested in reading the old stuff should skip to those.
March 14
almost spring
scattering of crocus
rising from the mud
March 15
rising from the mud
the purple brag of crocus
ready for the spring
March 16
on this brisk morning
that young woman's naked toes
are pointing to spring
March 18
looking for spring
the eye is held—
one mound of snow
March 20
Passion Sunday
palm branches
waving hello
March 20
growing fond of it
last mound of snow
shrinking into spring
March 20
first day of spring
chill rain
snow almost gone
March 21
another spring
a year older
up early
March 21
early spring
chill in the air
waiting for spring
March 22
patch of snow
yesterday a mound
the pace of spring
March 22
did the sun come out
this afternoon—
busy at my desk
March 23
spring rain
changing to snow
that will change


Blogger Bill said...

I was consciously aiming for 5-7-5 by the time I approached the final draft, and that may have blinded me to the possibility you suggest.

6:41 AM  
Blogger Bill said...

Thanks for the tip on the em dash, and for all your comments. I don't belong to a haiku group; in fact, I don't personally know any haiku writers. The hope of receiving pointed and thoughtful comments like yours was one of my motives for setting up the blog.

11:21 AM  

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